Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ahh, how I missed school...


Excuse the "not"--straight out of the nineties, I know.

Last week was rough. I worked a ton more than normal, Mark and I were both so busy that we saw each other for less than 2 hours all week until Friday night (literally), and school is really intense at this point. In anatomy, we learned the skeleton and the joints and we have a test this coming Wednesday. My brain might explode. In micro last week, we spend 5.5 hours listening to her lecture on antimicrobial agents in great detail, all the while wondering what the hell she was talking about. We don't really know or understand the vocabulary she was using and she literally went drug by drug talking about the chemical structures, exact mechanisms of action, and all kinds of other stuff that I don't even know how the hell I am supposed to memorize. We do 2 more chapters and 2 labs this coming week and the test is a week from tomorrow. In human growth and development, we have a take-home test due next week...haven't started that either. At least that is going to be easy and I don't have to memorize anything for it--it's just a pain in the butt. Luckily I'm doing really well in both Anatomy and Micro thus far (no grades yet for human growth and dev.)...hopefully it will last.

On the plus side, Mark and I went to the corn maze this Friday. We went during the day the weekend before they tore it down last year. This year, the corn was WAY taller (probably 10-12 feet high) and denser than last year...and it was dark. Walking around a dark, maze-ified, nearly deserted cornfield with flashlights was about 60% fun and 40% terrifying. I was more than a little tense worrying about Jack Nicholson jumping out of the corn with a hatchet. Overall, it was great fun. Plus, while we were making S'mores (they have campfires there too), we didn't have any close calls with flying flaming marshmallows this year (ahem...Mark). We decided that it is now an annual tradition.

Boring post, but alas, such is life.

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