Monday, April 14, 2008

Where am I headed?

Where am I headed? A good question indeed. I know some people have been wondering and worrying about this as much as I am--yes, I would be referring to you, Mom! :) The answer: I don't know. At this point, I am pretty sure that I have come to the conclusion that with theatre, I love the work but hate the business. Which puts me right at the point where I'm looking for a new long-term career plan.

There are a few options on my plate that I'm seriously looking at. One relatively convenient option is doing some temp work and seeing if I happen to fall into some tolerable/enjoyable office-type job. The problem with this is that I am very limited in terms of having any real choice over where I end up. There are several fields in which I have no experience but could see myself being interested in, but with temp work, I wouldn't get to pick where I worked. So it could be a long time before I found anything I liked. Or I could be great at some job I have no interest in doing long-term, get offered a permanent position, and fall into another career I don't like. Or get stuck doing temp work for a long time just waiting for something good to fall into my lap.

I am looking at options for nursing schools. The problem is that my undergrad degree is from a theatre conservatory, which means that I had very limited gen ed classes. Which means that not only would I have to take several prerequisites, but I would have to take prerequisites for the prerequisites. All of the programs that I've seen that are for degrees higher than associates degrees require many prerequisites, none of which I have. So it'd take quite a while to even get prerequisites done. Like--a year full-time or two+ years part-time. Between all of the City Colleges of Chicago, I would be able to take all of the classes I'd need at $72/credit hour, but most of the class times are 3-4 days/week during the day. So I couldn't even do temp work while taking most of the prerequisites. I could maybe find some tutoring/nannying work for afternoons/evenings...

Another option is going back to stage managing. I was really good at that and could very realistically and almost certainly have a good career doing that. But I'm pretty positive that I don't want that lifestyle for the rest of my working life--evening rehearsals and performances several evenings/week when I'm doing a show.

Is there something I can do that will utilize the degree I already have? I don't know. I enjoy teaching/choreographing, but I am almost certain that I would get burnt out doing just that for more than 2 months at a time.

I just had to get a degree in theatre.....

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