Here are some food pics from the last week or so...
Here was my dinner tonight. Mark smoked and grilled some brats. I wasn't hungry enough for a bun, so I just ate the brat and onions plain. And some beautiful strawberries. Yay for spring!

Here are some homemade potato chips we made the other night. We used the V-slicer to very thinly slice potatoes, dried them on paper towels (an important step to prevent sogginess), lightly coated them with melted butter (although you could probably use olive oil instead--we'll have to try that next time), layed them out in a single layer on a cookie sheet (another important detail to prevent sogginess), sprinkled some mesquite seasoning on them, and baked them at 400 deg. until they were light/golden brown. A bit of advice--they go from undercooked to burnt very quickly, so you have to take them off the tray as they get done and put the rest of the tray back in to cook...and repeat until they are all done.

And here, for your entertainment is a picture of what I opened the fridge to find. What, might you ask, is that Ziploc bag of mush sitting on the shelf in the fridge? It's tuna salad. Mark had used a bag to store a partially used pouch of tuna, and when he made tuna salad with the rest of it, he figured he'd just use the same bag rather than getting a tupperware dirty. Ahh, boys. ;)

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