Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Big-Ass TV

Okay, so apparently I have been remiss and not sufficiently updated everyone I know of the new TV that has entered my life. I would describe it, but I think that the pictures will speak for themselves. So, without further ado, a big-ass TV:I am in this picture simply for the sake of scale. And to be a giant dork, apparently, as that does seem to be my specialty. Whatever. There's a picture of Mark trying to eat the TV, I just didn't post it.

If you'll notice, the new TV dwarfs my pathetic-looking little bookshelf. Also, the massiveness of the new TV necessitated the banishment of one of my bookshelves to the basement. I was very sad about it. But I have since gotten over it.

On another rather uninteresting side note (it's a filler!) I wore that same shirt today. Maybe I should re-title this blog to: The Menial Banalities of Lauren E.J.

To recap, Mark bought a 50" plasma TV with his end-of-year bonus. So yes, this new TV has been here for over a month now; I'm pretty surprised that some people (ahem, Andrea) didn't know about it! All in all, it is very fancy and........

(that picture took some effort, let me tell you!)


Jeremy said...

"And to be a giant dork, apparently, as that does seem to be my specialty."

Everyone's got to be good at something.

Anonymous said...

Dorkiness must run in the family...everytime Tara or somebody else says, "how does that work?" or something along those lines...I actually ask them if they would like me to explain it! My transformation to an enginerd is complete!